2023-04-22 来源:飞速影视
If a man really loves a woman, he never worries too much about money. He just wants to give her the best.

虽然这可能是了解她的好方法,但如果你过于 "接近 "她,可能会适得其反,使她对你感到厌烦。
Although this may be a good way to get to know her, if you get too close to her, it may backfire and make her tired of you.
一旦女人遇到她真正喜欢的男人,她会慢慢打开对这个男人的 "信任"、"依赖 "和 "主动 "开关。
Once a woman meets the man she really likes, she will slowly turn on the switches of "trust", "dependence" and "initiative" to this man.

Someone once said, "the love slowly established in ordinary life is never as good as the love occasionally glimpsed in suffering". The same is true.
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