
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
She sank into the proffered chair, glaring at the discomfited fat captain, and gave her name. The nice young officer slipped on his overcoat and left the room and the others took themselves off to the far end of the table where they talked in low tones and pawed at the papers.She stretched her feet gratefully toward the fire, realizing for the first time how cold they were and wishing she had thought to put a piece of cardboard over the hole in the sole of one slipper.After a time, voices murmured outside the door and she heard Rhett"s laugh.The door opened, a cold draft swept the room and Rhett appeared, hatless, a long cape thrown carelessly across his shoulders.He was dirty and unshaven and without a cravat but somehow jaunty despite his dishabille, and his dark eyes were snapping joyfully at the sight of her.
He had her hands in both of his and, as always, there was something hot and vital and exciting about his grip. Before she quite knew what he was about, he had bent and kissed her cheek, his mustache tickling her.As he felt the startled movement of her body away from him, he hugged her about the shoulders and said:“My darling little sister!”and grinned down at her as if he relished her helplessness in resisting his caress.She couldn"t help laughing back at him for the advantage he had taken.What a rogue he was!

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