
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“You said—you said you"d never wanted a woman as much as you wanted me. If you still want me, you can have me.Rhett, I"ll do anything you say but, for God"s sake, write me a draft for the money!My word"s good.I swear it.I won"t go back on it.I’ll put it in writing if you like.”
He looked at her oddly, still inscrutable and as she hurried on she could not tell if he were amused or repelled. If he would only say something, anything!She felt her cheeks getting hot.
“I have got to have the money soon, Rhett. They"ll turn us out in the road and that damned overseer of Father"s will own the place and—”
“Just a minute. What makes you think I still want you?What makes you think you are worth three hundred dollars?Most women don"t come that high.”
She blushed to her hair line and her humiliation was complete.
“Why are you doing this?Why not let the farm go and live at Miss Pittypat"s. You own half that house.”
“Name of God!”she cried.“Are you a fool?I can"t let Tara go. It"s home.I won"t let it go.Not while I"ve got a breath left in me!”

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