
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
She looked from the alcove into the huge drawing room and watched the dancers, remembering how beautiful this room had been when first she came to Atlanta during the war. Then the hardwood floors had shone like glass, and overhead the chandelier with its hundreds of tiny prisms had caught and reflected every ray of the dozens of candles it bore, flinging them, like gleams from diamonds, flame and sapphire about the room.The on portraits on the walls had been dignified and gracious and had looked down upon guests with an air of mellowed hospitality.The rosewood sofas had been soft and inviting and one of them, the largest, had stood in the place of honor in this same alcove where she now sat.It had been Scarlett"s favorite seat at parties.From this point stretched the pleasant vista of drawing room and dining room beyond, the oval mahogany table which seated twenty and the twenty slimlegged chairs demurely against the walls, the massive sideboard and buffet weighed withheavy silver, with seven-branched candlesticks, goblets, cruets, decanters and shining little glasses.Scarlett had sat on that sofa so often in the first years of the war, always with some handsome officer beside her, and listened to violin and bull fiddle, accordion and banjo, and heard the exciting swishing noises which dancing feet made on the waxed and polished floor.

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