
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
All her life she had heard sneers hurled at the Yankees because their pretensions to gentility were based on wealth, not breeding. But at this moment, heresy though it was, she could not help thinking the Yankees were right on this one matter, even if wroing in all others.It took money to be a lady.She knew Ellen would have fainted had she ever heard such words from her daughter.No depth of poverty could ever have made Ellen feel ashamed.Ashamed!
Yes, that was how Scarlett felt.Ashamed that she was poor and reduced to galling shifts and penury and work that negroes should do.
She shrugged in irritation. Perhaps these people were right and she was wrong but, just the same, these proud fools weren"t looking forward as she was doing, straining every nerve, risking even honor and good name to get back what they had lost.It was beneath the dignity of many of them to indulge in a scramble for money.The times were rude and hard.They called for rude and hard struggle if one was to conquer them.Scarlett knew that family tradition would forcibly restrain many of these people from such a struggle—with the making of money admittedly its aim.They all thought that obvious money-making and even talk of money were vulgar in the extreme.Of course, there were exceptions.Mrs.Merriwether and her baking and Renédriving the pie wagon.And Hugh Elsing cutting and peddling firewood and Tommy contracting.And Frank having the gumption to start a store.But what of the rank and file of them?

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