
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Well, of course, you can"t expect a silly little woman like me to understand men"s affairs.”
She made him feel, for the first time in his old-maidish life, that he was a strong upstanding man fashioned by God in a nobler mold than other men, fashioned to protect silly helpless women.
When, at last, they stood together to be married, her confiding little hand in his and her downcast lashes throwing thick black crescents on her pink cheeks, he still did not know how it all came about. He only knew he had done something romantic and exciting for the first time in his life.He, Frank Kennedy, had swept this lovely creature off her feet and into his strong arms.That was a heady feeling.
No friend or relative stood up with them at their marriage. The witnesses were strangers called in from the street.Scarlett had insisted on that and he had given in, though reluctantly, for he would have liked his sister and his brother-in-law from Jonesboro to be with him.And a reception with toasts drunk to the bride in Miss Pitty"s parlor and happy friends would have been a joy to him.But Scarlett would not hear of even Miss Pitty being present.

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