
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
If she were a man she would have that mill, if she had to mortgage the store to raise the money. But, when she intimated this delicately to Frank, the day after they married, he smiled and told her not to bother her sweet pretty little head about business matters.It had come as a surprise to him that she even knew what a mortgage was and, at first, he was amused.But this amusement quickly passed and a sense of shock took its place in the early days of their marriage.Once, incautiously, he had told her that“people”(he was careful not to mention names)owed him money but could not pay just now and he was, of course, unwilling to press old friends and gentlefolk.Frank regretted ever mentioning it for, thereafter, she had questioned him about it again and again.She had the most charmingly childlike air but she was just curious, she said, to know who owed him and how much they owed.Frank was very evasive about the matter.He coughed nervously and waved his hands andrepeated his annoying remark about her sweet pretty little head.

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