
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
I"ll look at his account book now, she thought and, picking up the lamp, she went into the front of the store. Willie, the counter boy, was reluctant to give her the large dirty-backed ledger.It was obvious that, young as he was, he shared Frank"s opinion that women had no place in business.But Scarlett silenced him with a sharp word and sent him out to get his dinner.She felt better when he was gone, for his disapproval annoyed her, and she settledherself in a split-bottomed chair by the roaring stove, tucked one foot under her and spread the book across her lap.It was dinner time and the streets were deserted.No customers called and she had the store to herself.
She turned the pages slowly, narrowly scanning the rows of names and figures written in Frank"s cramped copperplate hand. It was just as she had expected, and she frowned as she saw this newest evidence of Frank"s business sense.At least five hundred dollars in debts, some of them months old, were set down against the names of people she knew well, the Merriwethers and the Elsings among other familiar names.From Frank"s deprecatory remarks about the money“people”owed him, she had imagined the sums to be small.But this!

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