2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视

“Harry Potter was my home, my family, my world and Hermione (still is) my favorite fictional character of all time,” Watson wrote Tuesday on Instagram. "I think a journalist once said it was irritating how many times during an interview I mentioned how lucky I was and started counting… BUT I DAMN WELL KNEW!!! And still know."沃森11月16日在Instagram上写道:
“I am proud not just of what we as [a] group contributed as actors to the franchise but also as the children that became young adults that walked that path. I look at my fellow cast members now and I am just so proud of who everyone has become as people. I am proud we were kind to each other that we supported one another and that we held up something meaningful.”“让我感到骄傲的不仅是我们以演员的身份参与该系列电影,在孩童时加入并在出演的过程中长大成人也让我倍感骄傲。
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