
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
B: (3)
A:A dog?
B:Yes.On my way to the club,I found a dog lying by the road,weak and helpless.
A: (4)
B:Yes.I took it to the animal shelter(收容所).
A:How kind you are!But you missed the club activity.
B:What did you do in the club?
A: (5) It was so interesting.
B:It"s a pity.But I"m glad to help the dog.


27.(5分)A:Hi,Rick!What are you reading?
B:Harry Potter.It"s my favorite novel.
A:Whose book is this?Is it (1) ?
B:No,it"s not mine.I borrowed it from the library.
A:I"m (2) forward to reading it.Can you lend it to me?
B:Sorry,it"s due tomorrow.You can borrow one from the library.
A:Good idea! (3) the nearest library?
B:Not far.It"s just opposite the nature park.
A:But (4) can I get there?
B:Well,walk along Long Street to the end and you can see the nature park.The library is (5) from the nature park.

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