
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
(3)In the second race,the girl"s right leg and the boy"s right leg were tied together. (判断对错)
(4)The crowd cheered loudly as Dale"s group went on running to the finishing line. (判断对错)
(5)Dale"s group lost the race,but Dale was happy because he learned a lot from it. (判断对错)
24.(5分)London has a lot of famous museums,and the most popular one among them is the Science Museum in London.It is the most friendly museum in London.As is known to all,shouting and running are not allowed in most museums(展品)is also forbidden.
But the Science Museum in London is different.It is noisy!People talk about what they can see and do here,and there are some very noisy machines as well.If you want answers to any of your questions about science,this is the right place for you.
In its rooms on the second and third floors,you can learn some knowledge about communications,the environment,physics,chemistry and so on.For example(煤)from the ground and use it to create energy.And in one of its rooms,you can also have a chance to know how X﹣rays let you see inside your body.

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