
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hearWe cry in anger when we cannot feel You nearWe doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your loveAs if every promise from Your Word is not enoughAnd all the while You hear each desperate pleaAnd long that we"d have faith to believe我们祈求智慧得听你柔和声音我们也愤愤哭求因为感觉不到你我们怀疑你的良善不相信你的慈爱也怀疑圣经中的应许而你都听见,听见每一个孤注的呼求盼望我们能用信心来相信
"Cause what if Your blessings come through raindropsWhat if Your healing comes through tears?And what if a thousand sleepless nightsAre what it takes to know You"re near?And what if trials of this lifeAre Your mercies in disguise?也因为你的祝福透过风雨而降下你的医治经过泪水而赐下在无数个不眠夜之后才懂得原来你就在身旁今生的试炼就是你化作的恩典
When friends betray us, when darkness seems to winWe know that pain reminds this heartThat this is not, this is not our homeIt"s not our home当朋友背叛我们或当黑暗快要吞没我们我们才知道这痛是要唤醒这颗心这里不是不是我们的家乡不是我们的家乡
"Cause what if Your blessings come through raindropsWhat if Your healing comes through tears?And what if a thousand sleepless nightsAre what it takes to know You"re near?因为你的祝福透过风雨而降下你的医治经过泪水而赐下在无数个不眠夜之后才懂得原来你就在身旁

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