
2023-04-26 来源:飞速影视
“Silk Road 曾经是毒品和其他违禁品的在线交易市场,司法部已确定,该交易在2013年被关闭之前已经产生了超过950万美元的销售收入。”
Did You Know?
Contrabandfirst appeared in English in the early 1500s as a borrowing of Italian contrabbando. This Italian word can be traced to the Medieval Latin word contrabannum, a combination of contra- ("against") and bannum ("decree"). Bannum is Germanic in origin and is related to Old High German bannan ("to command"). Bannan is also related to Middle English bannen ("to summon or to curse"), the source of the English verb ban, which now means "to prohibit" but which once also meant "to curse.
Contraband「违禁品」最早是在1500年代初以英语出现,是借用了意大利contrabbando。 这个意大利语单词可以追溯到中世纪拉丁语“ contrabannum”,它是“ consum”(“against「反对」”)和bannum(““ decree「命令」””)的组合。 Bannum 起源于日耳曼语,与 bannan(“ to command「命令」”)有关。 Bannan还与英语动词 ban 的来源-中古英语 bannen(“to summon or to curse「召唤或诅咒」”)有关,后者现在的意思是“ to prohibit「禁止」”,但曾经也意味着“to curse「诅咒」”。
Test Your Vocabulary
Unscramble the letters to create a word for a runner of contraband: RROEICU
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