
2023-04-27 来源:飞速影视
congratulations on ( doing ) sth. 祝贺……
congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人……
win ( the ) first place in the league 在联赛中取得第一名
make a good player 造就一名优秀的运动员
in a surprising result 以令人吃惊的结果
used to do sth. ( 过去 )经常做……
( didn’t use to do sth. / usedn’t to do sth.)
( Did sb. use to do sth. ? / Used sb. to do sth. ?)
( be used to sth. be used to doing sth. )
( get / become / grow / seem used to sth./doing sth.)
( be used to do sth. )
help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事
in an exciting match 在一场激动人心比赛中
deserve to do sth. = be worthy of doing sth. 理应/应该/应受/该/值得 做某事
deserve to be done = deserve doing
start / begin well for the boys 男队开局打/踢得好
score a goal = kick a goal 踢进一球
score the first goal 踢进第一个球
make the score 5-3 把比分改写为5比3
make the final score 5-3 最终把比分定格在5比3
make the score 5-3 with a beautiful shot 用一记漂亮的抽射,球从男队球门
into the top right-hand corner of the boy’s goal 的右上角飞入,使比分改写为2比1
score a game 胜一局
score a goal 进一球

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