
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视







白1 金3 银6 铜16 总46 隐藏奖杯431、Somebody Else? Played as Aiden for the first time铜杯 有其他人在吗? 第一次扮演艾登2、Obedience Stopped the experiment voluntarily铜杯 服从 自发地终止实验3、Teammates Did 3 mischievous things with Jodie and Aiden铜杯 队友 和祖迪及艾登做三件恶作剧4、Entities Apprentice Vanquished the entities with Aiden铜杯 灵体学徒 使用艾登战胜灵体5、Sorry Forgave Jodies father铜杯 抱歉 原谅祖迪的父亲6、Not My Father Choked Philip with Aiden铜杯 不是我父亲 使用艾登让菲利浦窒息7、Revenge Taught 3 or more of the teens a lesson, or started the house fire, with Aiden铜杯 复仇 使用艾登教训三个或以上的青少年,或是让房子失火8、Cold Blood Did not impress or scare the teens with Aiden铜杯 冷血 不用艾登惊吓青少年们9、Together Forever Protected Jodie from her attackers铜杯 永不分离 从侵犯者手中保护祖迪10、Portal Shutdown Successfully shut down the condenser portal铜杯 关闭中枢 成功关闭聚魂器中枢11、Channeling Master Channeled all dead bodies in the condenser compound铜杯 通灵大师 在聚魂器与所有死者通灵12、Perfect Soldier Completed most of the physical training successfully铜杯 完美士兵 完成大部分体能训练13、Fight Apprentice Won every fight whilst taking less than 5 hits铜杯 格斗学徒 在被打到少于5次下完成所有格斗14、Stealth Apprentice Completed all stealth training without being spotted铜杯 潜行学徒 在没有被发现的情况下完成所有潜行训练15、Clean Job Shut down the monitor and finished the mission using only Aiden铜杯 手脚干净 只使用艾登关闭监视器屏幕并完成任务16、Possessive Spy Finished the mission using only the Sheik铜杯 占有欲强的间谍 只使用谢赫就完成任务17、Perfect Lover Cooked a meal, cleaned the apartment, took a shower, wore the elegant dress and put on some music铜杯 完美情人 煮菜、打扫公寓房间、淋浴、穿着优雅的洋装并放点音乐18、Casual Girl Ordered a pizza, watched some TV and wore something casual铜杯 随性女孩 订披萨、看电视、穿着简便19、In Love with Ryan Slept with Ryan铜杯 和雷恩坠入情网 和雷恩发生亲密关系20、Stealth Master Made it to the cathedral without being spotted铜杯 隐形大师 在不被发现的情况下到达大教堂21、BEYOND: TWO SOULS MASTER Collected all trophies!白金 BEYOND: TWO SOULS 大师 收集到所有奖杯!

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