
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
- Feathers: While not the most popular choice nowadays, feathers used to be the marking distinction of the most elaborate Easter bonnets. Ostrich feathers were the go-to solution, both for their volume and elegance.
This tradition continues to live on today, and not only with the more devout of celebrities. For example, in 2018 Nicole Kidman was caught sporting the most beautiful of Easter bonnets by Valentino:
So if you really want to celebrate Easter in high fashion, an Easter bonnet is a must-have. Step number one to the perfect Easter outfit? Go find the perfect hat.
But of course, the bonnet itself is but the start. One must also spend time finding the right clothes to match such a glorious capital accessory. Thankfully, the guidelines for this are just as simple, and as closely related to the history of Easter.
The most important thing to remember is that Easter is about celebrating rebirth – both of Christ and of Nature, through the arrival of Spring. As of such, all colors chosen should be pure and soft - think white or pastel. Black, brown and radiant colors should be avoided at all costs.

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