2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
Alice Brereton(爱丽丝·布雷顿) is a Minnesota native who attended the Academy of Art University in San Francisco(旧金山). Nightlights(夜光) is her first picture book(图画书), but she has also worked on book covers(图书封面), postcards(明信片), apps, and editorial illustrations(报刊插画). She likes dinosaurs, pickles(腌黄瓜), rainy days(下雨天), the color yellow, and nocturnal animals(夜行性动物). Alice also enjoys stargazing(瞭望星空). Her favorite star is Betelgeuse(猎户座α星), because it"s so easy to find. Her website is pickledalice.com.
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