
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
cise in four years from Monday as tensions in the Korean Peninsula escalate. Chinese observers warned the exercise would raise tensions in the peninsula and wider Asia, and regional countries including China would be on high alert. The allies" summertime drills - Ulchi Freedom Shield (UFS) - which is nominally defensive as it has been annually staged, will take place from Monday to September 1 in South Korea, AP reported.The report noted that the drills will underscore Washington and Seoul"s commitment to restore large-sc
ale training exercises after they canceled some of their regular drills and downsized others to computer simulations in recent years to create space for diplomacy with North Korea and because of COVID-19 concerns.According to media reports, the drills will involve tens of thousands of troops in live-fire exercises combining land, sea
and air forces. The maneuvers are set to include joint mock attacks, reinforcement of frontline units and simulations involving the securing of weapons of mass destruction.Units will also practice using drones for surveillance and a number of new developments in warfare that have emerged amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict, a South Korean Defense Ministry officia

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