
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
polyethylene /pl.ieθ.l.in/ 表示“聚乙烯”,英文解释为“a light, usually thin, soft plastic, often used for making bags or for keeping things dry or fresh”如:a polyethylene bag 聚乙烯塑料袋。
“Our study is the first indication that we have polymer particles in our blood – it’s a breakthrough result,” said Prof Dick Vethaak, an ecotoxicologist at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands. “But we have to extend the research and increase the sample sizes, the number of polymers assessed, etc.” Further studies by a number of groups are already under way, he said.
“我们的研究首次表明我们的血液中有聚合物颗粒--这是一个突破性的结果,”荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)的生态毒理学家迪克·维塔克教授(Prof Dick Vethaak)说。“但我们必须扩大研究范围,增加样本规模和评估的聚合物数量等。”他说,许多团队已经在进行深入研究。
polymer /pl..mr/ 表示“聚合物”,英文解释为“A polymer is a chemical compound with large molecules made of many smaller molecules of the same kind. Some polymers exist naturally and others are produced in laboratories and factories.”
“It is certainly reasonable to be concerned,” Vethaak told the Guardian. “The particles are there and are transported throughout the body.” He said previous work had shown that microplastics were 10 times higher in the faeces of babies compared with adults and that babies fed with plastic bottles are swallowing millions of microplastic particles a day.

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