2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
Other fun facts you may not know: 关于春晚,你可能不知道的其他趣料:
The first CCTV Spring Festival Gala was live broadcast via television on February 12, 1983. However, not all Chinese people owned a TV set then or had a chance to watch the show at home. The annual output of televisions was only 6.84 million and nearly 80 percent of families did not possess their own TV set, according to a Beijing Daily report. 第一届央视春晚于1983年2月12日通过电视直播。

In 1983, the director of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala set four telephones backstage so viewers could ask the actors to perform the requested items. As the on-demand calls were so popular, the lines would literally be overheated, prompting staff members to stand by with a fire extinguisher. 1983年,央视春晚导演在后台设置了四部电话,这样观众就可以要求演员表演指定节目。由于点播电话大受欢迎,电话线路会过热,工作人员不得不拿着灭火器站在一旁。
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