
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
我是说 你朋友滚开 但你 我女神呀
I been this way since Arthur was anteater
我一直做自己 时光只能打磨我的容颜(Arthur食蚁兽,但动画形象越来越不像食蚁兽)
Now they wanna hit me with the woo wap the bam
如今 他们想用照相机 咔嚓我
Tryna snap photos of familia
My daughter look just like Sia, you can"t see her
我女儿长的像洗牙 哈 你看不见她呀 (Chance注重家人的隐私)
You can feel the lyrics, the spirit coming in braille
你能感同我的歌词 与精神 如同手感盲文
Tubman of the underground, come and follow the trail
我是地下的Tubman 快来 跟着我节拍(Chance致力于独立音乐人,崇尚自由)
I made Sunday Candy, I"m never going to hell
我爱Sunday Candy 天堂是我收容所(Sunday Candy 指上帝和Chance的祖母)
I met Kanye West, I"m never going to fail
我遇Kanye West 失败是我绝缘体
He said let"s do a good ass job with Chance three
他说 我第三张混音 酷毙
I hear you gotta sell it to snatch the Grammy
我听说 你要用它拿下格莱美
Let"s make it so free and the bars so hard
我们令它免费 但条件真心反胃(格莱美专辑申请条件之一:商业性)
That there ain"t one gosh darn part you can"t tweet
还好 没操蛋的规定我 不能发推
This is my part, nobody else speak

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