
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
The Aspern Papers(Henry James)


一位对19世纪早期浪漫主义诗人杰弗里·阿斯彭(Jeffrey Aspern)的作品充满热情的美国编辑前往威尼斯,获取阿斯彭写给情妇博尔德罗(Bordreau)小姐的信,这位美国编辑把博尔德罗称之为“朱莉安娜”。他用假名在古老宅第里租了一间套房,在那里她和侄女蒂娜小姐生活在贫困和与世隔绝的环境中。他发现这位老太太精明而傲慢,接受他为房客,只是为了替蒂娜小姐的未来存钱。蒂娜小姐是一个胆小、不讨人喜欢的老处女,非常敬畏她的阿姨。在与他们同住期间,编辑赢得了蒂娜小姐的友谊,并向她透露了自己的使命。博尔德罗小姐病倒了,他试图翻找她的书桌,但她让他大吃一惊,并在病情复发之前吓退了他。离开威尼斯两周后,他回来发现老太太死了。蒂娜小姐满怀期待地欢迎他,他意识到她爱上了他。她说,只有在他是“亲戚”的情况下,她才能把文稿交给他。
The Aspern Papers, novelette by Henry James , published in 1888.
An American editor with an enthusiasm for the works of Jeffrey Aspern, a romantic poet of the early 19th century,goes to Venice to acquire the letters that Aspern wrote to his mistress, a Miss Bordereau, whom he called "Juliana."Under an assumed name he rents a suite in the ancient palace where she lives in poverty and seclusion with her niece,Miss Tina. He finds that the old lady is shrewd and haughty, and accepts him as a lodger only to put aside money for the future of Miss Tina, a timid unattractive spinster much in awe of her aunt.During his residence with them, the editor wins the friendship of Miss Tina, to whom he reveals his mission. Miss Bordereau falls ill and he attempts to rifle her desk, but she surprises him and frightens him off before suffering a relapse. Leaving Venice for a fortnight, he returns to find the old lady dead. Miss Tina welcomes him expectantly, and he realizes that she is in love with him. She says that she could give him the papers only if he were "a relative," and, alarmed at this proposal, he leaves. At their next interview he learns that she has destroyed the letters. Her suffering has matured and ennobled her, and she dismisses him with tact and restraint.

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