2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
winGwint(122) 昆特牌胜利?
addgwintcards 快速添加全套牌
makeitrain 下雨
stoprain 停止下雨
Usage: xy(posX,posY)posX and posY are the coordinates you want to teleport to.I found some coordinates in the startup.bundle file (game/fast_travel.csv)Tip: active godmode to avoid falldamage after teleportation (god())
使用xy坐标来传送,传送坐标具体在startup.bundle file (game/fast_travel.csv)内,注意开启无敌模式来防止掉落摔死
Changeweather(WT_Clear) - you can find a list of the available weather in startup.bundle file (/engine/environments/weather_YOURREGION.csv) e.g. snow in novigrad: WT_Snow
变更天气 天气代码参照 (/engine/environments/weather_YOURREGION.csv)
例如诺维嘉德下雪:WT_Snow 详细天气代码参见: 天气代码(点击下载,额,暂无文件)
settime(TIME) 设置当前时间
healme() - you get full health 加满血
secretgwint() - starts gwint game 开始打牌
AddAllThMaps 3个选派的所有藏宝图
addbolts 添加全箭矢
addcraft 添加全工艺品?未确认
addsteelswords 添加全钢剑
addsteelswords2 添加全钢剑2
addwolfdlc 添加狼dlc
addsilverswords 添加全银剑
addsilverswords2 添加全银剑2
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