
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
I watched it by myself since I stayed at home all day due to the lockdown(封城). As I’m now in my late 20’s, it made me laugh a lot when I saw the main characters first entered the university. I can relate to many of the same situations and challenges that they face, especially taking exams. For example, they are all trying to pass the exams but Rancho, the leading actor(男主角), was thinking about how to make some changes on the Indian education system. When I was in the university, I thought about the similar questions such as ‘What do I really want to know?’, ‘Is there a gap between what I learned and what I need?’ and so on. To put it briefly, the film reminds me of my own university life.
I really enjoy this film because it’s quite light-hearted but packed with some thought-provoking lessons(发人深省的道理). I guess what makes this film great is that the film makes you reconsider the true meaning of education, which is very critical for young students.

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