2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视
2. The devil take you!见鬼去吧!
3. Are you not ashamed?你不害臊吗?
Are you not ashamed of your selfish behavior ?你不为你的自私行为感到羞耻吗?
4.What a shame!多么可耻!
What a shame to cheat at an examination! 在考试中作弊真是可耻!
5.Do you want to make me angry?你想让我生气吗?
6.I have no patience with you!我对你已经无法容忍了!
7.I am out of patience with you!我对你再也无法容忍了!
8.This is beyond endurance。这是忍无可忍了。
9.This is the limit!这就是极限!
10.Get out of my sight!从我的视线中滚出去!
11.None of your business!少管闲事!
Butt out, Neil! This is none of your business。滚开,尼尔!这不关你的事。
12. Get the hell out of here!滚出去!
13. Scram!滚开!
14. Shame on you!你真丢脸!

1. Poor fellow!可怜的家伙!
That"s exactly what the poor fellow had done。那个可怜的家伙就这样铸成大错。
2. I am so sad that I could cry。我伤心欲哭。
3. What a sad thing it is!多么可悲!
4. My grief is too deep for tears。我欲哭无泪。
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