2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视
养猫的人会发现在猫睡觉的时候,和人亲密互动的时候会发出呼噜呼噜(cat purr)的声音,听起来非常治愈。这是猫咪睡着了在打鼾吗?
Research suggests that cats can purr for various reasons, using the soft rumble as a way of communicating and as a form of self-soothing or even healing.
Kittens are born blind and deaf, remaining so until they are around two weeks old. However, they begin purring after just a few days, primarily to let their mothers know where they are, and to attract their attention at feeding time.
小猫出生时看不见也听不到,这种状态要持续大约两周时间。然而它们出生几天后就会开始发出呼噜声,这主要是为了让母猫知道它们在哪里,并在喂食时引起母猫的注意。这种通过呼噜声交流的方式对于养猫的人应该并不陌生,因为它们饿了想要吃东西的时候,也会发出呼噜呼噜的声音来和自己的主人交流。这种交流的呼噜声还会因猫咪的需求而发生变化,《新科学人》(New Scientist)杂志就写道:A 2009 study found that cats can conceal a cry within their purr that triggers a nurturing instinct in their owners, similar to the cries of a human baby. The study observed that when purring to solicit food, the noise cats made was “more urgent and less pleasant”, suggesting they can manipulate their purrs to communicate different things.
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