
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
789. ahead of schedule/ time
790. be scheduled to do
791. 3 score
792. scores of
793. scratch one’s head
794. start from scratch
795. search sb
796. search for sb
797. in search of
798. be seated at the table by the window
799. seat oneself at the table by the window
800. keep a secret
801. in secret = in private
802. see sb off
803. it seems that / as if...
804. seem to be doing / to do / to have done
805. sell out
806. send away / for / out / up
807. be senior to sb
808. in a sense
809. make sense of sth
810. make sense to sb
811. common sense
812. there in no sense in doing sth
813. be sensitive to ...
814. sentence sb to death
815. separate... from...
816. go separate ways 分道扬镳
817. in service
818. serve sb
819. set about/ aside/down/off/ out / up
820. settle down
821. settle in
822. in the shade
823. in shape // out of shape
824. share sth with sb

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