2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
我越敷衍 就有人越爱我 我越上心 他们就像握住了我的把柄 居然跟我谈条件
The more perfunctory I am, the more someone loves me, the more I love them, and it"s like they have something on me and they want to talk to me.

我多希望 几年后当我爸妈问起来我的时候 我能告诉他们 这个男孩子陪了我好多年
I wish that when my parents ask me a few years later, I could tell them that this boy has been with me for many years.

聊天聊出来的感情 终究会以不聊天结束
The feelings that come out of chatting will eventually end up not chatting.

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