2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
很奇怪 安静和热闹我都喜欢
"It"s strange." "Quiet and noisy." I like both.

小时候刮奖挂到谢字还不舍得扔掉 非要刮到谢谢惠顾才肯放手 这和长大之后很多事情都一样
When I was a child, I did not want to throw away the word "thank you", but I had to blow it to thank you for your patronage before I would let go, which is the same as many things after I grew up.

大家都淋了那场雨 有的人淋湿了有的人依旧暖和 我的意思是同样的一件事有的人能走出来“有的人已经尽力了”
Everybody got caught in the rain, some got wet, some stayed warm, I mean the same thing, some came out, "some did their best."

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