
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
"For fifty years I have carried it in my memory. I have never spoken of it before. Yet if what I have now said shall prevent you from throwing a stone that may rebound and deeply hurt your conscience. I shall be very cheerful. "
The boys at once dropped the stones they had in their hands.
(1).The boys didn"t understand what the old man said at first, didn"t they?
A.Yes,they did.
B.No,they didn"t.
C. Yes,they didn"t.
D. No,they did.
(2).The underlined word" mourned the bird"in Paragraph 10 mean" ".
A .were not willing to throw the bird away.
B .showed sadness for the loss of the bird.
C .punished me for the death of the bird.
D .took care of the bird"s family members.
(3).The old gray﹣headed man felt sorry because .
A .he had to work for the aged couple.
B .he shot the bird to death by her nest.
C .he carried the story in his memory.
D .he didn"t tell the deed to the couple.
(4).We can infer(推断)from the last sentence that .

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