
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
158. light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动)
159. light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光(一线希望)
160. like hot cakes 像刚出炉的蛋糕(很受欢迎的东西,抢手货)
161. like looking for a needle in a haystack 如同在稻草堆里找一根针(大海捞针)
162. like pulling hen"s teeth 跟拔母鸡的牙一样(艰苦不堪)
163. like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鼈)
164. like stealing candy from a baby 娃娃手里骗糖(易事)
165. ling winded 长舌,碎嘴
166. loose cannon 鬆动的大炮(一触即发的脾气)
167. lose one"s marbles 疯了,神智不清
168. low blow 不正当的攻击,下流手段
169. make a mountain out of a molehill 把小土堆说成大山(小题大作)
170. make him and break the mold 上帝造了他以后就把模型砸了(再没有跟他一样的人了)
171. Monday morning quarterback 星期一早晨的四分卫(马后炮)
172. monkey business 猢狲把戏(胡闹)
173. monkey on one"s back 背上的猴子(难以摆脱的负担)
174. more than you can shake a finger at 屈指难数
175. more than one way to skin a cat 剥猫皮各有巧妙不同(另有办法)
176. music to my ears 爱听的话
177. my old man 我的老头(我父亲)
178. nail in the coffin 棺材钉子(致使的一击,决定成败的最重要因素)
179. neck and neck 马脖子靠著马脖子(齐头并进,不分轩轾)

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