
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
Again, this idiom is also often used in negative phrases(cross one"s mind也用于否定句中):
It didn"t cross my mind that she might lie to me. (我未曾想过,她会对我撒谎。)It never once crossed my mind to tell her. (我从未想过要告诉她。)


4)Two other "mind" idioms are spring to mindand come to mind. Thoughts and images that spring to mind or come to mind come quickly into your mind(很快想到):
When I think of David Bowie, that"s the track that immediately springs to mind. (当我想到David Bowie时,马上就想到了线索。)She asked me if I had any suggestions, but nothing came to mind. (她问我有何建议,而我却脑子一片空白。)


5)Finally, people sometimes say that a thought or image flashes across/ through their mind, meaning that it suddenly enters their mind. This is often used of a frightening or worrying idea or image(因害怕或担心脑子里闪现):

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