2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视

今年5月,我们邀请到 PAII Inc. Bethesda Lab 吕乐博士团队进行4期线上直播,分享了他们在医学影像分析和计算机辅助癌症诊断上的最新进展,1000余人参与观看交流。

8月3日 19:00-20:00
分享主题:Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Detection forLiver Disease and Cancer: Creating Robust Solutions from Heterogeneous andWeakly Supervised Clinical Data
分享摘要:Diseases of the liver are a major cause ofillness and death worldwide. In China, chronic liver disease, such as liverfibrosis, affect up to 300 million people. Liver fibrosis is also a major riskfactor for hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the fourth leading cause ofcancer deaths worldwide. Surveilling and diagnosing liver disease and cancer ishighly complex and can involve many different modalities, including ultrasound,computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imagery (MRI). For each, thereis opportunity for applying machine-learning diagnosis and detection tools for betterdiscovery and quantitative assessment. However, developing robust models is agreat challenge, especially as large-scale data is typically weakly orsubjectively labeled.
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