
2023-06-17 来源:飞速影视
e.g.: She felt cleansed of her sins after confession.
派生词汇 cleanser n. 清洁工人;清洁剂;清洁器
5. macaque n. a kind of monkey 猕猴,恒河猴,短尾猴
e.g.: There are three features of Japanese macaques.
6. retaliation n. action taken in return for an injury or offence 报复
e.g.: The situation is complicated by the retaliations of the two sides.
派生词汇 retaliate vt. 报仇,反击 retaliative adj. 报复性的 retaliatory adj. 报复的
7. analogous adj. partially similar or parallel; offering an analogy 类似的,相似的
e.g.: The two processes are not analogous.
必背搭配 be analogous to
派生词汇 analogue n. 相似物,类似情况 analogy n. 类推,类比 analogousness n. 类似,相似性 analogously adv. 相似地
8. pecking-order n. a hierarchy among a group, as of people, classes, or nations任何团体中之长幼尊卑次序
e.g.: Newcomers have to accept their position at the bottom of the pecking-order.
9. ethnologist n. student or expert in ethnology 民族学研究者,民族学家
e.g.: Amy is an ethnologist.
派生词汇 ethnology n. 人种学 ethnologic(ethnological) adj. 人种学的

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