
2023-06-17 来源:飞速影视
A eight-year B four-year C six-year D two year
__6__ Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.
A Huston B Baltimore C Philadelphia D Boston
__7__The state church in England is __.
A The Baptist B The Roman Catholic C The Protestant Church D The Church of England
__8__ The novel Emma is written by__.
A Jane Austen B Elizabeth C Gaskell C Charlotte Bronte D Mary Shelley
__9__ Which of the following is not a Romantic Poet?
A William Wordsworth B Percy B. Shelley C George G. Byron D George Eliot
__10__ William Sidney Porter, known as O.Henry, is most famous for __.
A his poem B his plays C His novels D his short stories
这套题是05年的真题哦. KEYS: 1-5 BDBBB 6-10 ADADD
1. 选B。 Syntax (句法),研究词或其他句子成分如何联合起来形成合乎语法的句子规则的学科。
2. 选D。语言的区别性特征包含有五个特征:arbitrariness(任意性),productivity(能产性), duality(双层性) displacement,(不受时空限制{ cultural transmission. (文化传递性)。 Arbitrariness,指一句话所表达的意思与表达这个意思的语言文字之间的关系不确定。Productivity,事实上,能产性有时也称之为创造性,指的是人们可以构造或理解无穷多的新语句。duality, 语言结构的二重性指的一个是语音结构,另一个是语义结构。 cultural transmission指的是语言不像遗传基因那样才能代代相传,语言必须作为一个体系,必须一点一点的习得。人所要学的某一特定的语言是文化的即社会的语言,人出生后孤立于文化或社会环境之外是无法习得语言的。

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