
2023-07-21 来源:飞速影视
“I love you!”
Is the vow? Expression? Or promise?
Are you willing to show the love to the public by writing it on the guarantee?
Thelove here is regardless of age, gender, national boundaries, ethnicgroups and beliefs.You can love your mate, your parents, your children,your friends, your pets and all the people or things you want to love...
On25th, October, 2017, artists including Minjie Zhang and Yumei Zhoucouple would exhibit the interactive video works themed as “Love metenderly” at the B2 exhibition hall of Shanghai Center in an attempt toextend the long lasting love, the remote love epic.
Minjie Zhangand Yumei Zhou fell in love on 28th, February, 2010. From this day on,they started to record the picture of them sitting before three meals ofeach day with the mobile phone in their hands. Until a few days ago,they had recorded for seven years and eight months, altogether more than3 thousands days and nights, and eight thousands meals in the hope tofinish the daily epic “ Please sit down” in their lifetime and pass downthe poetry and vastness of ordinary life with it.

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