ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(13)
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
We"ve also realized that we must look inward at how we share information and how we deliver work the global practice. We"ve established a special task force to examine all areas of our business, resulting in heightened investment in our People Culture initiatives to engage and inspire our global talent. Our expanded Social Responsibility Framework (SRF) will provide a unified platform to capture our programs focused on improving the social framework of our practice, both internal and external, and is linked with our Bold Human, purpose-driven brand value system.

B H上海、深圳、香港办事处团队
How to continuously maintain close global customer relationships?
Patrick:我们在全球范围内与各领域关键客户建立了深厚牢固的合作关系。我们成为客户值得信赖的顾问,助力其在新市场的业务拓展。客户对 B H 如何为他们打造成功的项目始终充满信心,因为我们全方位了解项目各方面的背景和专业知识,从他们的品牌到内部流程和财务目标,继而实施和整合这些关键驱动因素并将其集成到我们的设计概念中,以产生正确的解决方案。
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