ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(18)
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
我也相信 B H 的品牌和价值观会与下一代人才产生共鸣。我们设计空间不仅仅为了建造空间,而是为了未来,我认为这种设计视角对新人才来说越来越重要。
I also believe our brand and values also resonate with the next generation of talent. We are bold and human through our design and the work that we do, but also through the social impact we make on the communities around us. We don’t design spaces for the sake of building something – we design for the future, and I think this perspective on design is increasingly important to new talent.
Susanna:在B H,合作是一切工作的核心。无论是工作室内部,还是我们在亚洲、北美和中东的全球工作室网络之间的合作。
Collaboration is central to everything we do at B H. Collaboration both within the studios we work with, and across our global network of studios across Asia, North America, and the Middle East.

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