ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(22)
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视

B H商业&综合体设计代表项目
Prediction and Expectations for the future of Chinese market.
Patrick:今年是 B H 在华发展的第 31 年,我们观察到这里的市场增长速度和营收成绩在全球来看都是独一无二的。面对如此规模的城市发展,我们必须重视社区在未来城市规划和发展中的重要性。我们创造的建筑、设计的景观和在公共领域的展示都会影响人们的生活方式。我们必须更加考虑居民的健康和福祉,这是我们一切工作的首要任务和主线。
In our 31 years of business in China, the pace of growth we have both observed and contributed to here is on a scale like nowhere else in the world. With this scale of urban development, it is imperative that we emphasize the importance of community in the planning and development of our future cities. The buildings we create, the landscapes we design, the interventions we make in the public realm all affect people. We must be thinking about the health and well-being of people, and that needs to be the priority and the main thread in all that we do – especially as we are coming out of a global pandemic which has isolated so many people from their family, friends, and communities.
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