ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(9)
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
We are also observing that certain sectors are seeing a post-pandemic rebound – most notably hospitality, healthcare, and R&D/industrial parks. This is informing how we collaborate, how we design, and how we create new typologies that reflect our new ways of living and working. In North America, we are experiencing a significant challenge in bringing people back to the workplace after working remotely throughout the pandemic. This has fundamentally reset the commercial real estate landscape and developers are trying to find solutions to fight back against record vacancy rates.

B H医疗设计代表项目
对此我们信心十足,因为我们擅长利用跨领域的设计和管理思维来应对全新的业务拓展模式。我们对上海和整个中国市场持积极乐观态度,在 Susanna 的领导下,我们对 B H 在中国的业务发展前景充满希望。
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