
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
The story of Wellington himself also gripped me. Half a century ago his campaigns were considered a central part of the British historical mythology and spoon-fed to schoolboys. More recently this has not been the case, which is a great shame. A generation has grown up
46. 甚至是许多熟悉这一时期的人都不知道,这也是一场发生在密码制作者与密码破解者之间的斗争。
47. 它列出了许多从驻扎西班牙的法国军队缴获的密码文件,这些文件的秘密已为一名英国总部的军官乔治·斯科维尔的工作所揭露。
48. 他无法仔细分析这位默默无闻的官员可能或不可能对那场国家间的伟大斗争做出什么贡献,也无法告诉我们关于他本人的任何情况。
49. 在拿破仑战争期间,可能有许多间谍和情报官员,但通常很难找到他们实际提供或工作所用到的材料。
50. 正如破译密码在争夺西班牙的斗争中具有更广泛的意义一样,他在晋升阶梯上的尝试也充分说明了英国社会。
Section III Writing
Part A
51. Directions:
Write an e-mail to a professor at a British university, inviting him/her to organize a team for the international innovation to be held at your university.
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address. (10 points)
Dear professor,
I, as a senior student from Tsinghua, am writing this e-mail to invite you to organize a team for the international innovation which will be held at our university from June 5th to June 10th .

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