
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
Haenyeo were excellent swimmers. Many could dive 20 meters underwater and hold their breath5 for two minutes. Training usually started when girls turned 11 and lasted for seven years. They learned how to catch things like sea urchins and octopuses with their hands or a fishing spear. Nowadays, haenyeo use modern equipment6 like wetsuits, fins, and masks, but they still go without air tanks.
Though there are fewer haenyeo today than in the past, they are still seen as an important symbol7 of Jeju Island. In fact, in 2016, haenyeo culture was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists. This has helped put these brave female divers and Jeju Island on the map8.
虽然跟过去相比,现在海女的数量更少了,不过她们还是被视为济州岛一个重要的象征。事实上,海女文化在 2016 年被联合国教科文组织列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。这使得这些英勇的女性潜水员以及济州岛大为出名。
★ Words & Phrases ★
★ 1. diver n. 潜水员dive into... 潜入⋯⋯三态为:dive, dived / dove, dived / dove。The divers are showing the audience how they feed the dolphins.潜水员正在对观众示范他们如何喂食海豚。Children happily dive into the swimming pool in the summertime.夏日炎炎,孩子们开心地跳进游泳池。

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