
2023-12-21 来源:飞速影视
Question 20
Your Work and Education History: You must list all your work and education history inside and outside Canada for the past five (5) years or since becoming a permanent resident if less than five (5) years ago.
Stating “not applicable” (or “N/A”), or leaving a question blank may result in your application being returned as incomplete.
Question 21
Your Travel History: You must list all your absences from Canada in the last five (5) years, or since becoming a permanent resident if less than five (5) years ago. Fill in the dates of the time that should be assessed.
Question 22
If you have been outside of Canada for 1095 days or more, list your absences from Canada in the past five (5) years in the marked situations. If you became a permanent resident less than five (5) years ago, list the absences from the time you became a permanent resident to present. See Appendix A at the end of this guide.

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