
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
1. Winter is coming. 凛冬将至。
2. Power is power. 权力才是力量。
3. Chaos is a ladder. 混乱是阶梯。
4. Hold the door. 把门守住。
5. Valar morghulis. 凡人皆有一死。
6. Love is the death of duty. 爱是责任的大忌。
7. What is dead may never die. 逝者不死。
8. You know nothing, John Snow. 你什么都不知道,琼恩·雪诺。
9. A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. 女孩是临冬城的艾莉亚·史塔克。
10. Kill the boy and let the man be born. 杀死心中的男孩,开始承担男人的责任。
Night gathers, and now my watch begins.
It shall not end until my death.
I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.
I shall live and die at my post.
I am the sword in the darkness.
I am the watcher on the walls.
I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.
I pledge my life and honor to the Night"s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

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