
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
Photo: Sony
At the end of 2019"s "Spider-Man: Far From Home," Spider-Man"s secret identity was revealed to the world, and now it seems Peter Parker (Tom Holland), MJ (Zendaya) and all of their closest family and friends are dealing with the consequences of that. The stress of the world knowing who he really is sends Peter to Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum, where he asks the Sorcerer Supreme (whom he got to know in the Avengers movies) if there is a spell he can cast that would make the world forget Peter Parker and Spider-Man are the same person.
Doctor Strange, who before this trailer was known to be one of the MCU’s brightest minds, somehow agrees with Peter’s plea and begins casting a spell. But when Peter says he’s concerned about the few who know his secret being in the dark again, he begins to have second thoughts. Those second thoughts distract Doctor Strange enough that the spell doesn’t cast as intended and boom: instant multiverse madness.

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