
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视


1. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.(在人们的灵魂深处,愤怒的葡萄正在成熟并变得越来越重,越来越重,等待着收获的时刻。)
2. If you"re in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They"re the only ones that"ll help - the only ones.(如果你遇到麻烦、受伤或需要帮助——去找穷人。他们是唯一会帮助你的——唯一的人。)
3. We are afraid of the old forlorn desert. The hard cart paths are pulled smoother and smoother by the truck tires, and the roads are better. But we are afraid of the desert, nevertheless. The desert is a part of us.(我们害怕那古老而荒凉沙漠。硬质的马车小道被卡车的轮胎越拉越平滑,道路也越来越好。但我们仍旧害怕沙漠。沙漠是我们的一部分。)
4. And the little screaming fact that leaves the dark into the light - look at it - the winners are those who say, "I will persist until I succeed." Life is a reflexive action. If I can convince you, I will; if not, I will know that it is only I who have lost.(而那小小的尖叫事实,从黑暗进入光明——看看它——胜利者是这样说的人:我会坚持,直到我成功。生活是一种反身动作。如果我能说服你,我会的;如果不能,我会知道这只是我自己的损失。)

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