
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
[参考译文] 在-上个月的股东大会上关于摇滚歌词的讨论中,莱文宣称说:"音乐不是 社会问题的原因",他甚至还以他的儿子为例。他的儿子是纽约州布朗克 斯的一个教师,并用说唱音乐与学生们进行沟通。
39. Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as "steering the economy to a soft landing" of "a touch on the brakes" , makes it sound like a precise science. Nothing could be further from the truth.
[参考译文] 有很多用于描述货币政策的词汇,例如"轻踩刹车"以"操纵经济软着 陆",使货币政策听起来像是一门精确的科学。没有什么比这更远离实际 情况的了。
40. Economists have been particularly surprised by favorable inflation figures in Britain and the United States, since, conventional measures suggest that both economies, and especially America"s, have little productive slack.
[参考译文] 经济学家们对英国和美国的有利的通货膨胀数据尤其感到惊讶,因为传 统的计量方法显示两国的经济,特别是美国的经济,几乎没有生产萧条 的时候。
41. The most thrilling explanation is, unfortunately, a little defective. Some economists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have upended the old economic models that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation.
[参考译文] 很不幸,这最令人震惊的解释有一点缺陷。一些经济学家认为世界经济 结构的强有力的变化已经结束了那个以经济增长和通货膨胀的历史关联 为基础的旧的经济模式。

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