
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
I come out of the sea from the Kunlun Mountains,
The mountains are shaking in my callings.
Pangu, who was strong and strong in vibration, opened the world,
The tender goddess of Luo comes.
The goddess of Luo leads me into a dream,
I am bewildered by her, because she is intoxicated,
In the clouds and rain of Wu Mount, my ethnic group is all over the mountains.
Flowers bloom, trees grow,
The feather clothes of the season change in the body.
Yang men and Yin women dance in their feathers,
Rain and dew of Yang air, frost and snow of Yin air,
The sky is filled with laughter.
I climb to the top of the Sphinx pyramid,
The Sphinx lifts my nose.
The rhinoceros pierces the top of the mountain and plunges into the sky,
My ears raise the sail,
They grab me and carry me up slowly,
The rocket has ejected under me again.
I have lost my first leg,
My second level torso is detached,
The third level is launched and sends me into Heaven Gate,

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