
2024-09-26 来源:飞速影视
The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it 牛失其尾,方知其贵。
The cowl (or hood) does not make the monk. 穿袈裟的不一定是和尚。
The creditor has always a better memory than the detor. 放债人的记性比借债人好。
The crow thinks her own birds fairest. 乌鸦总以为自己的雏鸟最美丽。
The cruelest lies are often told in silence. 最残酷的谎言常以沈默的方式说出。
The crushed worm will turn. 困兽犹斗。
The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away. 布谷鸟,四月来,五月在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就飞开。
The dainties of the great are the tears of the poor. 大人物的美味是穷人的眼泪。
The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前是最黑暗的时刻。
The day has eyes, the night has ears. 日有眼,夜有耳。
The day is long to him who knows not how to use it. 百无聊赖。
The devil can cite the Scriptures for his purpose. 魔鬼替其狡辩,也会引经据点。
The devil is good when he is pleased. 魔鬼高兴,也发善心。
The devil is not so black as he is painted. 魔鬼不像所描绘的那么黑。
The devil knows may things because he is old. 老马能识途。
The devil lurks behind the cross. 貌善实恶。

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