
2023-04-22 来源:飞速影视


The bittersweet charms of tiramisu
“Tiramisu,”murmurs Rob Reiner"s character knowingly to Tom Hanks in“Sleepless in Seattle". “What is tiramisu?" asks Hanks, a widower venturing back into the world of dating.“Some woman is gonna want me to do it to her and I"m not gonna know what it is!”“You"ll love it,”Reiner assures him. When the film was released in 1993 tiramisu was an obscure confection unheard of even in an America rich with Italians.
在电影《西雅图夜未眠》中,罗伯.莱纳扮演的角色颇有深意地对汤姆.汉克斯低声说道:“提拉米苏”。“提拉米苏是什么?”汉克斯问道(他在片中饰演一位重拾勇气闯荡爱情世界的鳏夫),“ 要是有女人想让我给她来这个,结果我根本不知道那是什么!”。“你会爱 上它的”莱纳跟他打保票。这部电影在1993年上映时,提拉米苏还是个名不见经传的冷门J甜品,即便是在意大利人不少的美国,也没怎么有人听说过。
Today it appears on Italian menus everywhere, from the trattorias and ristoranti of Venice to red-sauce joints of Boston"s North End. But the supposed Italian classic probably dates back only as far as the 1960s. The name means“ pick me up”in Italian: Ada Campeol, an exhausted young mother and owner of Le Beccherie restaurant in Veneto in northern Italy, is said to have come up with the dessert. Others credit Carminantonio lannaccone,an Italian chef who ran a bakery in Baltimore"s Little Italy and brought the recipe with him to America.

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